I was hoping to get a set of porcelain veneers from an excellent cosmetic dentist without having to pay too much money. I came across The Colonial Dental Plan. For just a one time fee of $300, this would give me a 20% discount from what your typical dentist chargers. They have about 15 dentists in their network. If I sent you my area, would you be able to tell me which of their dentists would be the best option for me? I know you’re not in their network. I think that is a plus for asking you because you aren’t in contention and will give me an honest answer.
Dear Todd,
I am very glad you wrote. The Colonial Dental Plan is not actually an insurance plan but a marketing scheme. Placing porcelain veneers requires a lot of post-doctoral training, plus a great deal of artistry, which also takes time and training. The dentists who do this well, do charge a bit more, but they are totally worth it.
I can point you to thousands of cosmetic dentistry horror stories from patients who thought they were getting a good deal but ended up with a worse smile than they started with. In fact, many expert cosmetic dentists spend most of their time redoing the poorly done cosmetic work from unskilled dentists. While profitable for them, it is hard seeing patients end up paying more than they would have if they’d gone to a skilled dentist to begin with.
You’re not going to get a skilled dentist with this plan. Here is how it works. They pocket the $300 fee and then turn you over to the dentists in their network. They get the dentists by telling them they can get patients in their empty chairs. They wouldn’t need help filling those chairs if they were skilled. It’s a good deal for them. Unsuspecting patients get prodded their way like cattle thinking they’re getting a good deal. What they are most likely to end up with is a disappointing smile makeover.
If you really want a beautiful smile, do it right the first time. I suggest you go to an expert cosmetic dentist, who will charge a little more, but will give you a stunning smile you will be proud of for years to come. The best cosmetic dentists are AACD accredited.
This blog is brought to you by Lexington, KY Dentist Dr. Fred Arnold.