I just repaired a chipped tooth with some dental bonding, but the color is so off that you can tell right where the bonding ends and the tooth begins. Is it okay to ask my dentist to re-do this? Will I have to pay again?
Dear Ebony,
You can definitely ask your dentist to re-do this dental bonding procedure. It is a reasonable expectation that your bonding should match the rest of the tooth. And, no, you should not have to pay for this again. Be aware, however, if the color is that far off and he was happy to let you walk out the door like that, he may not have the cosmetic skills to do this repair correctly.
Cosmetic dentistry is not a recognized specialty. Because of that, any general dentist can do cosmetic work. To make matters worse, doing these types of procedures are not adequately taught in dental school. It is completely up to a dentist how much training they invest in. Unless a dentist does a significant amount of cosmetic work, they will only have the generic composite color and materials available. To do a bonding case well takes a great deal more. Additionally, because it is done freehand, the dentist needs an artistic eye as well.
All that being said, you may be better off to just ask for a refund and then go to a more advanced cosmetic dentist to have this done. I suggest you look for an AACD accredited dentist. That is different than just being a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. Accredited dentists are the top cosmetic dentists in the world. You are pretty much guaranteed a beautiful result.
This blog is brought to you by Lexington, KY Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Fred Arnold.