I had four porcelain veneers placed a few years ago. My natural teeth have yellowed since then, so my smile looks very weird. If I use Crest Whitestrips, will it damage the veneers?
Dear Pablo,
Teeth Bleaching Trays
I’m glad you wrote. I’m surprised you only were given four porcelain veneers. Most smiles are eight to ten teeth wide. This is still workable, but it will require fairly regular whitening. Crest whitestrips, while they can slowly whiten teeth, are not a great option for you. First, they are extremely weak and will take quite a few boxes to make any difference at all. Second, they only cover your front six teeth. Four of yours are veneered, so you will only get two teeth that will have any gel placed on them at all.
My suggestion is you have them professionally whitened. Though the whitening gel will not harm your porcelain veneers, I believe your results will be more effective if you have your dentist design a tray to fit around your porcelain veneers so that the gel is only getting on the teeth that actually need it. Keep this tray and you can use it for touch ups every couple of years or so. This way you only need to purchase the gel and can keep your teeth white inexpensively.
In between, there is a great toothpaste, Supersmile Toothpaste, that is specifically designed for cosmetic dental work. It can help keep stains off of your natural teeth without doing any harm to the surface of your porcelain veneers. I highly recommend this for anyone with cosmetic dental work.
This blog is brought to you by Lexington, KY Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Fred Arnold.
An AACD accredited Dentist.