My oral health has always been a struggle but seems to have gone into overdrive since my second round of chemo. I’ve lost two teeth. They’ve just fallen out. I know dental implants are the best tooth replacement, but will they work in my case?
Sylvia T. – Wisconsin
I’m sorry for all you’re going through. Chemo is hard enough without having to stress over your smile. It sounds like you have advanced gum disease. I have some difficult news for you. Dental implants will not work yet. Chemo is hard on your oral care. Combine that with you already struggling with your dental health and it’s no wonder your gums are struggling.
Unless the gum disease is dealt with, this will only get worse. I’m disappointed your dentist, knowing your history and the fact that you were going through chemo, didn’t take extra precautions to help you and protect your teeth. The important thing now is to be proactive in dealing with it. There are other options to replace your teeth in the meantime, but your gums are the priority.
Then, the good news. After you take care of the gum issue, you may then be a candidate for dental implants. And, you’re right, they are the best tooth replacement.
This blog is brought to you by Dr. Fred Arnold.